12-16-2024 |
1 Item Claimed! (1970) |
12-13-2024 |
Addition to the "1970 Challengers" pages |
12-13-2024 |
Addition to the "1970 Exterior Colors" pages - FK5
12-03-2024 |
Two additions to the "1970 Barracudas" pages |
12-03-2024 |
Two additions to the "T/As in Snow" page |
12-03-2024 |
December 2024 Item of the Month |
11-16-2024 |
October 2024 IOTM posted in 2024 Previous IOTM page
11-04-2024 |
November 2024 Item of the Month |
08-05-2024 |
August 2024 Item of the Month |
06-09-2024 |
June 2024 Item of the Month |
05-12-2024 |
1 Item Claimed! (1968) |
05-06-2024 |
May 2024 Item of the Month |
04-23-2024 |
Library Grid Modifications 1975-1979 |
04-10-2024 |
Addition to 1976 Plymouth Color and Trim Book
04-10-2024 |
Addition to 1976 Chrysler Color and Trim Book
04-10-2024 |
New section - 1976 Plymouth Ordering Information
04-10-2024 |
New section - 1976 Chrysler Ordering Information
04-10-2024 |
April 2024 Item of the Month |
04-01-2024 |
Addition to: 1964 Chrysler Ordering Codes (Oct 1963
Rev.) |
03-27-2024 |
New section - 1956 Plymouth Dealership Data Book
03-18-2024 |
New section - 1955 Plymouth Dealership Data Book
03-15-2024 |
New section - 1955 Chrysler Dealership Data Book
03-11-2024 |
New section - 1957 Dodge Dealership Data Book
03-07-2024 |
New section - 1960 Plymouth Color & Trim Book
03-04-2024 |
New section - 1975 Dodge Price Guide |
03-04-2024 |
New section - 1976 Chrysler Plymouth Price Guide
03-03-2024 |
March 2024 Item of the Month |
02-18-2024 |
New section - 1965 Chrysler Parts Accessories - Parts
Mgr Catalog |
02-18-2024 |
New section - 1965 Car Appearance and Maintenance
Accessories |
02-17-2024 |
1 Item Claimed! |
02-12-2024 |
3 Items Claimed! |
02-12-2024 |
New section - 1964 Dodge Salesman's Pocket Guide
02-11-2024 |
New section - 1974 Plymouth Salesman's Pocket Guide
02-11-2024 |
New section - 1974 Dodge Salesman's Pocket Guide
02-11-2024 |
New section - 1974 Chrysler Salesman's Pocket Guide
01-31-2024 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
01-08-2024 |
1 Item Claimed! |
01-04-2024 |
Addition to Burnout Photos Page |
01-04-2024 |
Addition to 2024 Events Page |
01-04-2024 |
Updated Registry Counts (Hamtramck-Historical)
01-04-2024 |
Updated Registry Counts (Challenger T/A Registry)
01-03-2024 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
12-21-2023 |
1 Item Claimed! |
11-02-2023 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1972) |
10-24-2023 |
1 Item Claimed! |
08-25-2023 |
Addition to 1970 Exterior Colors Pages (EK2) |
08-25-2023 |
Addition to Assembly Plants Page |
08-25-2023 |
1 Addition to 1970 Challenger Pics Section |
08-25-2023 |
1 New Item Added to "Broadcast Sheet Locations" Article
08-15-2023 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
07-26-2023 |
Addition to 1970 Exterior Colors Pages (EB3) |
07-24-2023 |
Addition to Assembly Plants Page |
07-19-2023 |
Updates to "Donations" Page |
07-19-2023 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
07-12-2023 |
Addition to Factor Errors Pages |
05-29-2023 |
1 Item Claimed! |
05-23-2023 |
Hamtramck and LA Registry counts updated |
05-23-2023 |
1 Item Claimed! |
05-23-2023 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
05-12-2023 |
2 Additions Hamtramck Built Cars Section (Barracuda)
03-22-2023 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1971) |
03-11-2023 |
Addition to "Cool Shots" page |
02-15-2023 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (FJ5 V6H) |
02-15-2023 |
1 Photo added to 1970 Barracuda pages |
02-03-2023 |
2 New Items Added to Found Section (1970) |
01-30-2023 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
01-02-2023 |
Addition to "T/As in Barns" sections |
12-08-2022 |
2 additions to Dealership Photos pages |
12-08-2022 |
Correction to "Numbers Matching" article |
11-30-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
10-26-2022 |
Addition to 1970 Challenger Page |
10-26-2022 |
Updated Image for 1970 Exterior Colors Page - Challenger
FM3 V6H |
10-26-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
09-04-2022 |
1 addition to Noteworthy People (Rock!) |
08-27-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
08-12-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
08-04-2022 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
07-07-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
06-13-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
06-06-2022 |
Updated Hamtramck and LA Registry counts |
05-01-2022 |
1970 Dodge Pickup & Stake Truck Brochure |
05-01-2022 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
04-19-2022 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
03-29-2022 |
1 Item Claimed! |
01-24-2022 |
Addition to Date Codes 101 pages |
01-11-2022 |
3 additions to Vintage T/As pages |
01-03-2022 |
Updated Hamtramck and LA Registry counts |
01-03-2022 |
Updated Challenger T/As and AAR Cuda Registry counts
12-06-2021 |
1 addition to Noteworthy People (Rock!) |
12-02-2021 |
Addition to 1970 Exterior Colors Page - Challenger
FJ5 V1X V6W |
12-02-2021 |
Addition to 1970 Challengers (Page 6) |
09-06-2021 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
06-17-2021 |
1 Item Claimed! |
06-17-2021 |
Addition to Factory Errors Pages |
06-17-2021 |
Addition to 1970 Exterior Colors Pages (EF8) |
06-17-2021 |
Addition to 1970 Challenger Photo Pages |
06-06-2021 |
Mega Mopar Action At Thunder Mountain - June 6th,
2021 |
04-10-2021 |
2 New Items Added to Found Section (1970) |
03-10-2021 |
2 Items Claimed! |
03-10-2021 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
02-14-2021 |
2 New Items Added to Found Section (1970) |
02-09-2021 |
Addition to Dealership Photos section |
02-04-2021 |
1970 Don Grotheer Plymouth Performance Clinic Booklet
12-19-2020 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
12-10-2020 |
1969 Don Grotheer Plymouth Performance Clinic Booklet
11-27-2020 |
1 Item Claimed! |
10-05-2020 |
Updated Registry Counts (Challenger T/A Registry)
09-21-2020 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
08-22-2020 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1969) |
08-09-2020 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
07-12-2020 |
1 addition to Black Flags section! |
06-26-2020 |
1 Item Claimed! |
06-03-2020 |
Expansion of 'N88 Speed Control Package Installation'
Article |
06-01-2020 |
New Article: Going back in time - A vintage road trip!
05-30-2020 |
1 Item Claimed! |
04-24-2020 |
2 New Items Added to Found Section (1970,1972)
03-15-2020 |
Updated Registry Counts (Hamtramck-Historical)
03-03-2020 |
Updated Registry Counts (Challenger T/A Registry)
03-03-2020 |
1 Item Claimed! |
03-03-2020 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
02-06-2020 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
01-20-2020 |
2 additions to Noteworthy People (Rock and RCP!)
01-03-2020 |
New Article - October 2019 Road Trip! |
12-23-2019 |
Events Page Updated for 2020! |
12-07-2019 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section (1970) |
12-01-2019 |
New Addition to Factory Errors Pages |
11-09-2019 |
New Addition to FC7 Exterior Colors Page |
10-19-2019 |
2 addition to the Factory Errors Pages |
09-24-2019 |
2 Items Claimed! |
09-07-2019 |
1 Item Claimed! |
09-05-2019 |
1971 Don Grotheer Plymouth Performance Clinic Booklet
08-31-2019 |
1 New Image added to Date Codes 101 Article pages
08-31-2019 |
3 New Items Added to Found Section (1970) |
08-31-2019 |
1 Item Claimed! |
08-30-2019 |
1971 Don Grotheer Plymouth Supercar Clinic Booklet
08-30-2019 |
1 addition to the Factory Errors Pages |
08-18-2019 |
Additions to Chrysler Speed Control Article |
08-17-2019 |
1970 Chrysler Military Sales for Chrysler Luxury Cars
08-10-2019 |
New Article - Chrysler Speed Control |
08-04-2019 |
Updated Registry Counts (Challenger T/A Registry)
08-04-2019 |
5 New Images added to Date Codes 101 Article pages
08-01-2019 |
3 New Items Added to Found Section (1970) |
06-09-2019 |
1 addition to Noteworthy People (Rock!) |
05-23-2019 |
1 addition to the Factory Errors Pages |
05-23-2019 |
1 more entries for the Date Codes 101 article |
05-13-2019 |
3 more entries for the Date Codes 101 article |
05-06-2019 |
3 more entries for the Date Codes 101 article |
04-29-2019 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section |
04-27-2019 |
New Addition to FK5 Exterior Colors Page |
04-27-2019 |
Vintage T/As - New Photo (Challenger T/A Registry)
04-04-2019 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section |
03-18-2019 |
2 Additions to 1973 Duster/Valiant/Scamp Page
03-10-2019 |
New Article - Radiator shroud plastic repair |
03-10-2019 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section |
02-12-2019 |
1970 Imperial Dealership Databook |
02-11-2019 |
1965 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
02-10-2019 |
1968 Imperial Color & Trim Book |
02-10-2019 |
1967 Imperial Dealership Data Book |
02-10-2019 |
1970 Imperial Color & Trim Book |
02-08-2019 |
1965 Canadian Colour & Trim Book |
02-08-2019 |
New Article - Just WHY is there a staple in my steering
column ... |
02-08-2019 |
Addition to 1965 Paint Chip Charts |
02-02-2019 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section |
02-02-2019 |
Updated Registry Counts (Hamtramck-Historical)
01-17-2019 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section |
01-07-2019 |
New Addition to EB5 Exterior Colors Page |
01-05-2019 |
1964 Dodge 426 Hemi-Charger Booklet, News Flash, and
TSBs |
01-01-2019 |
1968 Model Year Dodge Advance Field Information Bulletins
01-01-2019 |
1 Addition to 1968 Paint Chip Charts |
01-01-2019 |
21 Additions to the 1968 Dodge Model TSBs Page
12-28-2018 |
5 New Items Added to Date Codes 101 Article |
12-28-2018 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section |
12-07-2018 |
1 New Items Added to Found Section |
12-07-2018 |
4 New Items Added to Black Flags Sections (60's and
70's) |
11-28-2018 |
1976 Dodge Aspen Brochure (9 pgs) |
11-28-2018 |
1978 Dodge Aspen Brochure (10 pgs) |
11-28-2018 |
1975 Plymouth Road Runner (1 image) |
11-28-2018 |
Addition to "Date Codes 101 Article" (1 image)
11-18-2018 |
1970 Charger & Coronet Front Bumper Guards/Bumperettes
11-18-2018 |
2 New Items Added to Found Section |
11-11-2018 |
1 item added to Assembly Plants/Noteworthy People
Section |
11-10-2018 |
1 Item Claimed! |
09-25-2018 |
Updated Registry Counts (Hamtramck-Historical)
09-23-2018 |
1 Item Claimed! |
09-23-2018 |
2 additions to "It's a Real Gas Man!" |
09-23-2018 |
1 addition to Dealership Photos Section |
09-23-2018 |
1 addition to 1964 Vintage Advertising |
09-16-2018 |
1 addition to Date Codes 101 Article |
09-03-2018 |
Updated Registry Counts (Challenger T/A Registry)
09-03-2018 |
Updated Registry Counts (Hamtramck-Historical)
09-03-2018 |
1 addition to Date Codes 101 Article |
08-17-2018 |
4 additions to Date Codes 101 Article |
08-03-2018 |
New Article: 1970 Challenger T/A & AAR Cuda Rocker Arms
08-03-2018 |
Updated Registry Counts |
08-01-2018 |
2 Items Claimed! |
07-22-2018 |
23 New Items Added to Found Section |
07-22-2018 |
1 Item Claimed! |
07-22-2018 | - Added Vintage Advertising
Section |
07-22-2018 |
Added Challenger T/A Never Raced Ads Page |
07-21-2018 |
New Photo added to 1970 Challenger Photos Pages
07-12-2018 |
3 new items added to Found Section (1970/1971)
07-10-2018 |
2 items added to Assembly Plants/Noteworthy People
Section |
06-06-2018 |
New Article - "Nostalgia and Old Cars" |
05-12-2018 |
187 new items added to Found Section (1969-1974)
05-07-2018 |
2 Items Claimed! |
04-15-2018 |
2 items added to Assembly Plants/Noteworthy People
Section |
04-02-2018 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
02-26-2018 |
T/A Challenger Vintage Photos Sections - 8 new photos
02-23-2018 |
The Challenger T/A Registry has a new home! |
02-19-2018 |
15 new items added to Found Section (1971) |
02-18-2018 |
Dealership Letters - 1967 Belvedere Super Stock Street
Hemi |
02-11-2018 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
02-05-2018 |
New Page in Oddities Section - UAW Newsletters (Hilltoppers)
01-25-2018 |
Item Claimed! |
01-23-2018 |
Item Claimed! |
01-15-2018 |
Item Claimed! |
01-07-2018 |
Item Claimed! |
01-07-2018 |
Updated registry counts |
01-05-2018 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
01-04-2018 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
12-31-2017 |
93 new items added to Found Section (1970 - 1971)
12-15-2017 |
1 Addition to the Assembly Plants - Noteworthy People
Section |
11-11-2017 |
Item Claimed! |
11-07-2017 |
Item Claimed! |
10-31-2017 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
10-12-2017 |
Item Claimed! |
09-15-2017 |
Item Claimed! |
08-12-2017 |
1 addition to the Factory Errors Pages |
08-11-2017 |
Item Claimed! |
07-16-2017 |
Item Claimed! |
07-15-2017 |
New Item added to Assembly Plants Section |
07-15-2017 |
2 new items added to Found Section (1970) |
06-30-2017 |
1 new item added to Found Section Black Flags (1970)
06-30-2017 |
2 new items added to Found Section (1967 & 1970)
06-27-2017 |
1 addition to the Factory Errors Pages |
06-23-2017 |
The 1970 Plymouth Division Code Guide (Ordering Information)
05-29-2017 |
The 1970 Dodge Division Code Guide (Ordering Information)
05-27-2017 |
Added 9 new 1970 Plymouth Teletype Dealership Letters
05-26-2017 |
Added 25 new 1970 Product Information Bulletins
05-01-2017 |
Updated registry counts |
03-06-2017 |
1 addition to the Factory Errors Pages |
03-05-2017 |
Updated registry counts |
03-05-2017 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
02-19-2017 |
2 additions to the Factory Errors Pages |
02-19-2017 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
02-12-2017 |
New Section - 1973 Plymouth Salesman's Pocket Guide
02-12-2017 |
New Section - 1973 Chrysler Salesman's Pocket Guide
01-29-2017 |
2 Items Claimed! |
12-17-2016 |
2 new items added to Found Section (1970) |
11-17-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
11-17-2016 |
New Section - 1971 Dodge Distribution Letters
11-16-2016 |
New Section - 1971 Chrysler Plymouth Coming Through
11-15-2016 |
Added 20 1970 Clippings to the Dealership Photos Section
11-15-2016 |
Added a 1971 Dealership Letter |
11-15-2016 |
Added a 1970 Dealership Letter |
11-14-2016 |
Added 1970 Dodge Sales Promotion Material Section
11-13-2016 |
Added 1970 Dodge Sales Aids Section |
11-12-2016 |
Aero Cars Section - Superbird Clippings (5 additions
) |
11-10-2016 |
1974 Advance Information Section |
11-10-2016 |
3 Additions to 1971 Dealership Letters Section
11-05-2016 |
5 Additions to 1967 Dodge TSBs |
10-31-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
10-08-2016 |
Updated Registry counts |
09-11-2016 |
Addition to 1972 Coronet Dealership Data Book Page
09-11-2016 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
08-29-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
08-29-2016 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
08-21-2016 |
29 new items added to Found Section (1971) |
08-15-2016 |
1966 Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Salesman's Pocket Guides
08-15-2016 |
2 new items added to Found Section (1970 & 1971)
08-01-2016 |
14 new items added to Found Section (1960's & 70's)
07-11-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
07-11-2016 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
07-05-2016 |
1972 Chrysler Plymouth Salesman's Pocket Guide
07-04-2016 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
06-28-2016 |
Addition to 'Factory Errors' Pages |
06-15-2016 |
1965 Dodge Color & Trim Book |
06-12-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
06-10-2016 |
Addition to 1970 Vintage Advertising (Gold Duster
Rush Is On) |
06-05-2016 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1969) |
05-31-2016 |
Addition to Factory Errors Pages |
05-31-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
05-31-2016 |
Updated Registry counts |
05-01-2016 |
5 new items added to Found Section (1969-70) |
04-17-2016 |
7 new items added to Found Section (1970-1972)
04-10-2016 |
New Ad for 1964 Vintage Advertising Section |
04-04-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
03-23-2016 |
Approximately 200 TSBs added for 1966 |
02-16-2016 |
Item Claimed! |
02-07-2016 |
1 new item added to Found Section (1970) |
02-02-2016 |
5 new items added to Found Section (1970-71) |
01-10-2016 |
Addition to Mopars-in-Motion page |
01-02-2016 |
5 new items added to Found Section (1970) |
12-05-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
12-08-2015 |
Addition to "It's a Real Gas Man!" Section |
12-03-2015 |
1951 Vintage Advertising - new section |
12-01-2015 |
58 new items added to Found Section (1970 & 1973)
11-27-2015 |
1971 Charger Press Release |
11-27-2015 |
1940 Vintage Advertising - new section |
11-09-2015 |
1970 Vintage Advertising addition |
10-22-2015 |
1970 Canadian TA Brochure |
10-22-2015 |
1970 Canadian AAR Brochure |
10-12-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
10-06-2015 |
45 Year AAR Cuda/Challenger T/A 2015 Reunion at Carlisle
09-28-2015 |
Updated Registry Counts for Hamtramck and LA |
09-17-2015 |
Addition to Factory Errors Pages |
09-10-2015 |
4 New Items Added to Found Section - 1970-1971
09-01-2015 |
Enhancement to Services Section |
09-01-2015 |
Addition to Exterior Color Pages (EB5) |
07-29-2015 |
1970 Dodge Race Watcher's Guide |
07-28-2015 |
Miscellaneous Vintage Racing Photos - 8 new clippings
07-26-2015 |
Dick Landy's 1970 Dodge Safety & Performance Clinic
07-23-2015 |
1970 Dodge Service Messenger - Nov/ Dec 1969 |
07-20-2015 |
1971 Plymouth Rapid Transit Caravan Press Releases
07-20-2015 |
14 New Items Added to Found Section (1970-1974)
07-19-2015 |
1970 Sox & Martin Plymouth Supercar Clinic |
07-13-2015 |
1969 Chrysler Plymouth Division On The Move Brochure |
07-07-2015 |
1970 Rapid Transit Caravan |
07-07-2015 |
3 Clippings from 1970 NY Auto Show |
07-05-2015 |
34 New Dealerships Letters from 1969 |
07-03-2015 |
New Section in Archives! (Aero Cars) |
07-01-2015 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Section - FY1 AAR |
06-28-2015 |
Dealership Photos Section - Added 40 Clippings from
1970-71 |
06-24-2015 |
Seat Cover Installation & Related Services for Classic
Cars! |
06-22-2015 |
1969 Dodge Product Information Bulletins |
06-21-2015 |
1969 Dodge Amblewagon Ordering Information |
06-18-2015 |
1969 Super Bee SIX PACK Ordering Information |
06-17-2015 |
1969 Dodge Driver Education Program Ordering Information
06-11-2015 |
Two 1970 Dealership Letters Added (Challenger/Mustang
Price) |
06-10-2015 |
36 New Items Added to Found Section (1968-1972)
06-10-2015 |
What's New From Dodge (Trucks) - 1969 |
06-10-2015 |
What's New From Dodge (Cars) - 1969 |
06-09-2015 |
2 Additions to the Assembly Plants - Noteworthy People
Section |
06-09-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
05-31-2015 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section - 1970 |
05-16-2015 |
3 new Dealerships Letters added (T/A Challenger)
04-27-2015 |
1 New Item Added to Found Section - 1970 |
04-21-2015 |
Addition to Noteworthy People page. |
04-15-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
04-05-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
03-31-2015 |
2 Additions to 1969 Paint Chip Charts (Chrysler &
Imperial) |
03-29-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
03-22-2015 |
1969 Imperial C&T Book - Standalone w/ Fabric Samples
03-18-2015 |
Addition to Factory Errors pages |
03-15-2015 |
1969 Chrysler C&T Book - Standalone w/ Fabric Samples
03-14-2015 |
1970 Chrysler C&T Book - Standalone w/ Fabric Samples
03-06-2015 |
Item Claimed! |
01-31-2015 |
2 New Records added to Found Section - 1970 |
01-31-2015 |
1963 Imperial Dealership Data Book |
01-31-2015 |
1963 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
01-04-2015 |
1967 Imperial Color & Trim Book |
01-04-2015 |
1965 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
01-04-2015 |
1965 Imperial Dealership Data Book |
01-03-2015 |
Registry counts updated |
12-28-2014 |
1965 Imperial Color & Trim Book |
12-06-2014 |
2 additions to 1967 Vintage Advertising Section
12-05-2014 |
1964 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
11-24-2014 |
1964 Chrysler/Imperial Dealership Data Book |
11-23-2014 |
1964 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
11-22-2014 |
1963 Dodge Dealership Data Book |
11-22-2014 |
1963 Dodge Color & Trim Book |
11-22-2014 |
Home Page Status Update! |
11-20-2014 |
2 Additions to Miscellaneous Vintage Racing Photos
Section |
11-19-2014 |
2 Additions to 1970 Paint Chip Charts |
11-19-2014 |
Added 88 new Found Items from 60's and 70's |
11-18-2014 |
Update to Services Page - Fender Tag Decoding
11-18-2014 |
Update to Services Page - Color Reports |
11-18-2014 |
Update to 1970's "Black Flags" |
10-30-2014 |
Update to 1970 Exterior Color Pages (EK2) |
10-30-2014 |
Two new photos for 1970 Barracuda Pages |
10-27-2014 |
New Page - 1965 Barracuda Photos |
10-23-2014 |
1964 Imperial Color and Trim Book |
10-23-2014 |
1964 Plymouth Code List (added Oct 1963 Revision)
10-22-2014 |
1965 Plymouth Color & Trim Book |
08-19-2014 |
1957 Chrysler Paint Chip Charts |
08-02-2014 |
1966 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
07-31-2014 |
1966 Imperial Color & Trim Book |
07-28-2014 |
1971 Imperial TSB Page added. (No. 71-17-1 -Page 2)
07-26-2014 |
1966 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
07-26-2014 |
1978 Dodge Color & Trim Book |
07-07-2014 |
Addition to Exterior Color Pages (FK5) |
07-07-2014 |
1955 Dodge Data Book |
05-26-2014 |
Improved Quality Scans for "What's New From Dodge
- 1970" |
05-21-2014 |
2 Additions to Exterior Color Pages (TX9 & EK2)
05-13-2014 |
1 New Record added to Found Section - 1970 |
04-14-2014 |
3 New Records added to Found Section - 68(1) & 70(2)
04-02-2014 |
1965 Vintage Advertising - added Plymouth Brochure
03-30-2014 |
1963 Vintage Advertising - added 11 images |
03-20-2014 |
2 Additions to 1970 Paint Chip Charts - Dodge
03-17-2014 |
Addition to Noteworthy People Page ("R") |
03-08-2014 |
1970 Hamtramck and LA Plant Registry counts updated
03-08-2014 |
1 New Record added to Found Section - 1973 |
02-17-2014 |
February 2014 Item of the Month is Claimed! |
01-29-2014 |
Addition to Noteworthy People Page ("Verna") |
01-29-2014 |
Addition to 1970 Barracuda Pages |
01-29-2014 |
Addition to Exterior Color Pages (EB3) |
01-21-2014 |
Addition to 1969 Vintage Advertising Section
01-20-2014 |
2 Items Claimed! |
01-20-2014 |
Addition to 1969 Vintage Advertising Section
01-20-2014 |
Added a 1969 Dealership Letter |
01-13-2014 |
1 New Record added to Found Section - 1970 |
01-05-2014 |
Addition to Noteworth People - Another "Rock" Sighting!
01-01-2014 |
1 New Record added to Found Section - 1971 |
12-01-2013 |
New Vintage Advertising Section - WWII Era (22 Ads)
11-21-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
11-04-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
10-01-2013 |
Addition to Dealership Pages |
09-30-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
09-28-2013 |
118 New to Found Section: mild to wild, /6 to Hemi,
'66 to '74 |
09-18-2013 |
1 New Record added to Found Section - 1972 |
09-18-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
09-03-2013 |
1 Addition to the Exterior Color Pages |
09-01-2013 |
6 Additions to the Exterior Color Pages |
08-19-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
08-19-2013 |
New Section - 1964 Dealership Letters |
08-08-2013 |
2013 Carlisle Chrysler Nationals Photos |
08-08-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
07-21-2013 |
Additions (4 pics) to 1970 Barracuda Pages |
07-21-2013 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (EF8) |
07-21-2013 |
Addition to 1970 Plymouth Barracuda Brochure |
07-11-2013 |
1971 Dodge Scat Pack |
07-11-2013 |
1971 Polyglas |
07-10-2013 |
1971 Dodge Material Brochure |
07-09-2013 |
1970 Dodge News |
07-09-2013 |
1971 Dodge Challenger Brochure |
07-05-2013 |
1971 Plymouth Satellite, Road Runner, GTX Brochure
07-05-2013 |
1972 Dodge Brochure |
07-04-2013 |
1974 Dodge Brochure |
07-04-2013 |
1971 Chrysler Plymouth Brochure (Butterfly version)
07-03-2013 |
1969 Dodge Fever Brochure |
07-02-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
07-02-2013 |
1970 Dodge Brochure (Updated - much better quality
scans) |
07-02-2013 |
1969 Dodge Brochure |
06-30-2013 |
1968 Dodge Brochure |
06-30-2013 |
1968 Dodge Fever Brochure |
06-30-2013 |
1968 Dodge Scat Pack Brochure |
06-30-2013 |
1973 Chrysler Plymouth Brochure |
06-21-2013 |
1971 Plymouth RTS (added a butterfly scan for 'Cuda)
06-21-2013 |
1972 Chrysler Plymouth Brochure (Butterfly version)
06-21-2013 |
1972 Dodge Charger CIB - Updated with higher resolution
scans |
06-20-2013 |
1971 Dodge Brochure |
06-20-2013 |
1970 RTS Brochure (Butterfly version) |
06-16-2013 |
1970 Dodge Scat Pack |
06-15-2013 |
1970 Dodge Brochure |
06-15-2013 |
1970 Dodge Material Brochure |
06-15-2013 |
1970 Plymouth Barracuda Brochure |
06-15-2013 |
1970 Dodge Charger Brochure |
06-13-2013 |
1976 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
06-05-2013 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (FE5) |
06-03-2013 |
Addition to Assembly Plants Section |
05-31-2013 |
1972 Dodge Charger Consumer Information Bulletin
05-30-2013 |
1974 Dodge Charger Brochure |
05-30-2013 |
1974 Plymouth Duster-Valiant Barracuda Brochure
05-29-2013 |
1971 Plymouth Barracuda Brochure |
05-29-2013 |
1970 PCI Brochure - 'Whatever you want in a 1970 car...'
05-28-2013 |
1969 Plymouth Brochure - 'Look what Plymouth's up
to now' |
05-28-2013 |
1970 'Plymouth Makes It' Brochure |
05-28-2013 |
1973 Dodge Brochure |
05-28-2013 |
1971 Plymouth RTS |
05-28-2013 |
1972 Dodge Charger Brochure |
05-28-2013 |
Added Dodge Sweptline site to Registry Links Section
05-14-2013 |
Addition to Assembly Plants - Noteworthy People Section
04-28-2013 |
1 New Record added to Found Section - 1970 |
04-07-2013 |
42 New Records added to Found Section (60's and 70's)
03-18-2013 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (EF8) |
03-14-2013 |
1976 Pocket Secretary & Technical Data Book |
03-01-2013 |
1975 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
03-01-2013 |
1979 Dodge Dealership Data Book |
02-28-2013 |
Two Items Claimed! |
02-28-2013 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
02-21-2013 |
1969 Imperial Dealership Data Book |
02-21-2013 |
1969 Imperial Color & Trim Book |
02-12-2013 |
1970 Vintage Advertising addition |
02-12-2013 |
Addition to "Assembly Plants" page |
01-27-2013 |
1968 Imperial Dealership Databook |
01-27-2013 |
Found Items Update (4 new items) |
01-26-2013 |
1964 Dodge Fall Announcement Planner - UPDATED!
01-24-2013 |
1964 Dodge Fall Announcement Planner |
01-15-2013 |
Item Claimed! |
01-13-2013 |
4 Additions to 1967 Vintage Advertising Pages
01-13-2013 |
Addition to Factory Errors Page |
01-13-2013 |
1963 Dodge Spring Advertising Planner |
01-08-2013 |
Found Section Update (Added 1 Black Flag) |
12-16-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
12-15-2012 |
1970 Challenger Bumper Testing Article |
12-15-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
12-10-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
12-09-2012 |
Added "Girard Auto Salvage & Youngstown Auto Salvage"
album |
12-08-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
12-03-2012 |
Found Items Update (46 new items) |
11-23-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
11-05-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
10-27-2012 |
Found Section Update (Added 1 Black Flag) |
10-08-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
10-07-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
09-29-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
09-17-2012 |
Additions to "Assembly Plants" page |
09-17-2012 |
Addition to "Cool Stuff, Oddities and More" page
09-16-2012 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (EB3) |
08-23-2012 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (FK5) |
08-22-2012 |
1974 Mopar Parts Accessories Catalog (Maintenance
Section) |
08-20-2012 |
Additions to 1973 Dodge TSBs |
08-18-2012 |
1964 Vintage Advertising Addition |
07-31-2012 |
1967 Barracuda Dealership Databook Page added
07-26-2012 |
Two additions to the Assembly Plants section |
07-24-2012 |
Two Items Claimed! |
06-18-2012 |
Found Items Update (3 new items) + 4 Black Flags Items
06-13-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
06-11-2012 |
1959 Plymouth Press Kit |
06-04-2012 |
Mega Mopar Action At Thunder Mountain (Bandimere)
- 6/3/2012 |
06-02-2012 |
1970 Drag Racing Parts Catalog |
06-02-2012 |
1970 Automobile Manufacturers Association Specifications
06-01-2012 |
1968 What's New From Dodge |
05-28-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
05-28-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
05-27-2012 |
Added 16 new 1968 Dodge Truck Product Information
Letters |
05-27-2012 |
1968 Dodge Truck Dealerships Ordering Information
05-07-2012 |
1968 Dodge Dealerships Ordering Information |
05-07-2012 |
Addition to Exterior Colors Pages (EB5) |
05-06-2012 |
2 Additions to Dealership Photos Section (White Hat
Specials) |
05-05-2012 |
Added 15 new 1968 Dodge PIBs (including Hemi Dart
info) |
04-19-2012 |
Vintage Racing Section article (1 new image)- Ed Poplawski
04-17-2012 |
Vintage Advertising - 1970 - 2 new images |
04-15-2012 |
2 Items Claimed! |
04-15-2012 |
Vintage Advertising - 1969 - 5 new images |
04-15-2012 |
Vintage Advertising - 1971 - 1 new image |
04-15-2012 |
Vintage Advertising - 1975 - 1 new image |
04-14-2012 |
Addition to Dealership Photos Section |
04-13-2012 |
Vintage Racing Section article (4 new images)- Ed
Poplawski |
04-10-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
04-01-2012 |
Addition to 1970 Exterior Colors pages (FF4 Duster/Valiant)
04-01-2012 |
Addition to 1964 Vintage Advertising Section |
03-11-2012 |
Addition to "It's a Real Gas Man!" Page |
02-25-2012 |
1985 Plymouth Cuda - Article and lots of pics!
02-18-2012 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
02-17-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
02-10-2012 |
Vintage Racing Section article (3 new images)- Ed
Poplawski |
02-05-2012 |
1970 Car And Truck Reference Pictures |
02-05-2012 |
Addition to Factory Errors Page |
02-05-2012 |
Vintage Racing Section article (1 new photo)- Ed Poplawski
02-04-2012 |
Addition to Assembly Plants - Noteworthy People Section
02-02-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
01-22-2012 |
Addition to 1970 Exterior Colors pages (EB5 Challenger
Page) |
01-16-2012 |
Vintage Racing Section article (5 new photos)- Ed
Poplawski |
01-16-2012 |
Assembly Plants Section - 2 new images |
01-10-2012 |
Item Claimed! |
01-09-2012 |
New Hamtramck Built Cars Page - 1974 Dodge Dart Photos
01-08-2012 |
Vintage Racing Section article addition - Ed Poplawski
01-08-2012 |
Assembly Plants Section - 1 new image |
01-07-2012 |
Assembly Plants Section - 5 new images |
12-31-2011 |
2 Items Claimed! |
12-26-2011 |
What's New From Dodge - 1970 Challenger - Dodge Deputy)
12-05-2011 |
Added 399 1973 Dodge TSBs |
12-04-2011 |
Added 1972 Dodge PIBs Index Page |
11-26-2011 |
Added a 1969 Dealership Letter |
09-29-2011 |
Item Claimed! |
09-26-2011 |
Addition to Hamtramck built cars (Barracuda section)
09-19-2011 |
Addition to Hamtramck built cars (Challenger section)
09-06-2011 |
1976 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
09-02-2011 |
Found Items Update (8 new items) |
08-28-2011 |
Mopar At Thunder Mountain (Bandimere) - August 28th,
2011 |
08-17-2011 |
1 New Found Item from 1970 |
08-14-2011 |
Addition to Factory Errors Page |
08-14-2011 |
Addition to Hamtramck built cars (Challenger section)
08-4-2011 |
Item Claimed! |
07-26-2011 |
Additions (2) to 1973 & 1974 Vintage Advertising Sections
07-26-2011 |
Additions (6) to 1970 Exterior Colors pages |
07-26-2011 |
Additions (4) to 1970 Challenger pages |
07-26-2011 |
Additions (2) to 1970 Barracuda pages |
07-16-2011 |
Found Items Update (18 new items) |
07-16-2011 |
Item Claimed! |
07-04-2011 |
Addition to 1971 Challenger Pages |
06-08-2011 |
Addition to Assembly Plants - Noteworthy People Section
06-02-2011 |
2 new 1969 Dealership Letters (includes "White Hat
Special Cars") |
06-01-2011 |
2 Items Claimed! |
05-31-2011 |
1972 Dodge TSBs - New Section |
05-27-2011 |
Vintage Racing - 1963 Plymouth Superstock |
05-23-2011 |
Additions to 1971 Dodge TSBs page |
05-22-2011 |
Addition to 1971 Plymouth TSBs page |
05-22-2011 |
Additions to 1973 Plymouth TSBs page |
05-22-2011 |
Additions to 1970 Dodge TSBs page (Hemi info)
05-22-2011 |
Added a 1970 Plymouth Dealership Letter |
05-22-2011 |
Additions to 1970 Plymouth TSBs page |
05-01-2011 |
1 New Found Item from 1970 |
05-01-2011 |
348 New Found Items from the 1960's |
04-25-2011 |
4 new 1967 Vintage Ads |
04-25-2011 |
Addition to Factory Errors Pages |
04-17-2011 |
1970 Dodge Truck Service Highlights |
04-13-2011 |
Found Items Update (2 new items) |
04-12-2011 |
Item Claimed! |
04-01-2011 |
1 Addition to - Assembly Plants |
03-31-2011 |
Added 2 Vintage Ads from 1970 |
03-31-2011 |
2 Additions to - Assembly Plants |
03-09-2011 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
03-06-2011 |
Item Claimed! |
03-05-2011 |
1967 Hemi & Wedge Performance Tuning & Modification
Tips |
03-03-2011 |
It's a Real Gas Man! |
03-01-2011 |
Added 4 1972 Vintage Ads (Duster and Sebring)
03-01-2011 |
Item Claimed! |
02-21-2011 |
Found Items Update (2 new items) |
01-22-2011 |
Found Section Update (14 New Found Items and 2 Black
Flags) |
01-17-2011 |
1971 Spark Lines Brochure |
01-08-2011 |
Added 13 Vintage Ads from 1961 |
12-26-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
12-24-2010 |
1972 Dealership Letters (2) added |
12-24-2010 |
1972 PIB #1 (4 pages) added |
12-05-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
12-02-2010 |
1972 PIBS Page Added |
11-30-2010 |
Found Section Update (Added 3 Black Flags) |
11-25-2010 |
Found Section Update (Added 124 Found Items) |
11-14-2010 |
FF4 Challenger added to Exterior Colors Pages
11-03-2010 |
Additions to 1971 Vintage Ads |
10-23-2010 |
Additions to 1972 Dealership Letters |
10-23-2010 |
Added 2 new 1970 Dealership Letters (six pages)
10-06-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 12 black flags) |
09-26-2010 |
New Article - Shredded Broadcast Sheet Repair
09-16-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
09-05-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 6 black flags) |
09-01-2010 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
08-30-2010 |
Two New Hamtramck-Historical Services! |
08-30-2010 |
Found Items Update (2 new items) |
08-29-2010 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
08-26-2010 |
Over Ten Thousand 1970 Hammy Cars Are Now Registered!
08-23-2010 |
1970 Vintage Advertising Addition |
08-15-2010 |
Found Items Update (1 new item) |
08-08-2010 |
All-Chrysler Nationals 2010 (including T/A - AAR Reunion)
07-26-2010 |
PIB bulletin No. 11 Added (GY3 availability) |
07-22-2010 |
5 Vintage Ads added from 1960 & 1961 |
07-21-2010 |
Found Items Update (45 new items) |
07-20-2010 |
7 Vintage Ads added from 1955, 1956, 1958, 1959
07-17-2010 |
1966 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
07-17-2010 |
1971 Challenger Pace Car Crash at the Indy 500 (Updated!)
07-17-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 black flag) |
07-14-2010 |
Found Items Update (8 new items) |
07-14-2010 |
Dealership Letters - 1965 (new section) |
07-14-2010 |
275 HP 273 Tune-Up Tips |
07-13-2010 |
273-318-340 Engine Tune-Up Tips |
07-13-2010 |
361-383-413-426-440 Tune-Up Tips |
07-12-2010 |
Added 1966 PIB Index Page (includes 2 new PIBs)
07-12-2010 |
TSBs & Misc - 1966 Max Perf 273 Engine Dart Drag Package
07-12-2010 |
PIB - 1963 Newest 426 Max-Perf Acceleration Engines
07-12-2010 |
PIB - 1963 New 426 CI Track Engine |
07-11-2010 |
PIB - 1964 Hemi Combustion Chamber Max-Perf Engines
07-11-2010 |
PIB - 1966 "Hemi-426" for 1966 |
07-11-2010 |
PIB - 1965 Hemi Combustion Chamber Acceleration Engine
07-11-2010 |
Additions to 1964 Paint Chip Charts |
07-11-2010 |
Addition to 1966 Paint Chip Charts |
07-11-2010 |
1967 Dealership Letters (Hemi Starter Cable - 4 pages)
07-11-2010 |
1971 Chrysler Hustle Stuff |
07-11-2010 |
1965 AMA Specifications - Plymouth Valiant |
07-10-2010 |
1964 AMA Specifications - Plymouth Valiant |
07-10-2010 |
1970 Dodge Dealership Data Book - (Old Pages)
07-06-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 black flag) |
07-04-2010 |
Addition to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
07-04-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 11 black flags) |
07-04-2010 |
Air Conditioners - Applications & Specifications (1961
- 1969) |
07-04-2010 |
Bulb and Flasher (1961 - 1971) |
07-03-2010 |
Addition to Vintage Advertising Section (1937)
07-03-2010 |
Air Conditioners - Applications & Specifications (1964
- 1971) |
07-03-2010 |
Carburetors and Repair Kits (1959 - 1972) |
07-02-2010 |
Approved Remanufacture (1950 - 1968) |
06-28-2010 |
3 Additions to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
06-26-2010 |
Addition to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
06-24-2010 |
1967 Dodge Color & Trim Book |
06-24-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 record) |
06-24-2010 |
Added 19 new 1971 Dodge TSBs |
06-21-2010 |
Added 1 new image to 1970 Vintage Advertising Section
06-21-2010 |
Added 2 new images to 1970 Challenger Photos Album
06-21-2010 |
Added 5 new images to 1970 Barracuda Photos Album
06-18-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 record) |
06-13-2010 |
Two TSBs added for 1971 Imperial, Chrysler, Plymouth
06-12-2010 |
Additions to 1970 Barracuda Photo Pages |
06-12-2010 |
Additions to 1970 Challenger Photo Pages |
06-11-2010 |
2 Additions to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
06-09-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 record) |
06-09-2010 |
Addition to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
06-06-2010 |
8 Additions to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
06-06-2010 |
6th Annual Southern Colorado Mopar Festival at PPIR
06-05-2010 |
3 Additions to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
06-01-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
05-29-2010 |
1973 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
05-28-2010 |
1973 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
05-28-2010 |
1973 Chrysler Advance Information |
05-28-2010 |
Addition to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
05-27-2010 |
Addition to - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
05-27-2010 |
1971 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
05-26-2010 |
New Section - Assembly Plants (Noteworthy People)
05-23-2010 |
Mopar At Thunder Mountain (Bandimere) - May 23th,
2010 |
05-22-2010 |
1963 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
05-16-2010 |
1968 Product Information Bulletin Page added |
05-08-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 record) |
04-30-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
04-25-2010 |
2 Additions to Factory Errors Article |
04-24-2010 |
1970 Duster Picture Addition |
04-21-2010 |
Addition to Factory Errors Article |
04-18-2010 |
Added 1970 Vintage Ad |
04-18-2010 |
Updated 1970 Hamtramck/LA Registry Form |
04-09-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
04-01-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 25 new items & 3 black
flags) |
04-01-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
04-01-2010 |
1971 Dodge TSB Addition |
03-14-2010 |
1961 to 1972 Fuse Guide for Cars & Trucks |
03-13-2010 |
1979 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
03-13-2010 |
1971 Challenger Photo Addition |
03-12-2010 |
1978 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
03-12-2010 |
Found Section Blacklist Updates |
03-10-2010 |
1974 Mopar Parts Accessories Catalog |
03-08-2010 |
Item Claimed! |
03-06-2010 |
1979 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
03-05-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 2 records) |
03-05-2010 |
1974 AMA Specifications |
03-05-2010 |
1973 AMA Specifications |
03-03-2010 |
1978 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
03-02-2010 |
Chrysler Passenger Car Bumper Heights 1965 thru 1976
03-02-2010 |
1971 Demon 340 Pics |
03-01-2010 |
1977 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
02-28-2010 |
1977 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
02-28-2010 |
Found Section Blacklist Update & 2 Items Reunited
w/ owners! |
02-28-2010 |
1976 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
02-25-2010 |
1975 Plymouth Dealership Data Book |
02-25-2010 |
Added 2 Vintage Ads from 1969 |
02-22-2010 |
1979 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
02-22-2010 |
1978 Dodge Dealership Data Book |
02-22-2010 |
Added 4 Vintage Ads from the 50's, 60's & 70's
02-21-2010 |
1977 Dodge Dealership Data Book |
02-21-2010 |
Found Section Blacklist Update (added 2 records)
02-19-2010 |
1978 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
02-18-2010 |
1967 Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
02-09-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 record) |
02-08-2010 |
Added 2 Vintage Ads from the 60's |
02-07-2010 |
The Owner Communications Program & the Prospect Cards
02-07-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 82 records) |
02-05-2010 |
Hamtramck Built Cars Section Additions |
02-02-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 2 records) |
01-31-2010 |
1968 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
01-31-2010 |
1970 Exterior Colors Pages Addition(s) |
01-31-2010 |
Found Section Update (added 1 record) |
01-30-2010 |
1968 Canadian Fleet Manual |
01-28-2010 |
1977 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
01-28-2010 |
1975 Chrysler Color & Trim Book |
01-27-2010 |
Ordering Information - Canadian Fleet Brochure
01-27-2010 |
Ordering Information - Fargo Trucks |
01-27-2010 |
Dealerships Letters - Rear Window Defoggers Bulletin
01-27-2010 |
Stock Report |
01-26-2010 |
Annual Report |
01-25-2010 |
Chrysler Dealership Data Book |
01-23-2010 |
Dealership Letters - Wiper Malfunction, etc. for Fury
01-21-2010 |
1976 Silver Duster / Chrysler Highlander Flyer
01-19-2010 |
1975 Plymouth Product Information Bulletins |
01-18-2010 |
Added 44 Vintage Ads from the 60's & 70's |
01-17-2010 |
1970 Plymouth Ordering Information |
01-17-2010 |
Added 231 Vintage Ads from the 50's &60's |
01-14-2010 |
1975 & 1976 Dodge Dealership Data Books |
01-13-2010 |
1972 Service Highlights |
01-11-2010 |
1975-1979 Plymouth and Dodge Color & Trim Books
01-09-2010 |
1971 Service Highlights |
01-06-2010 |
1972 What's New from Dodge |